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Copenhagen Gut Microbiome Hub Seminar: From academic discoveries to gut microbiome innovations

During the last two decades, the gut microbiome has emerged as an important contributor to human health and a new generation of solutions targeted the gut has started to emerge.
Reflecting on the challenges faced a decade or more ago, wherein scientists and companies struggled to provide sufficient scientific evidence for their probiotic products to obtain health claims from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), prompts us to glean valuable lessons from history.
How can we apply these lessons learned to chart a course for the future to ensure that gut microbiome research in academia and industry can lead to tangible improvements in human health? This question remains paramount as we navigate the complexities of this dynamic field and endeavor to realize the full potential of gut microbiome science in enhancing human health.
12.30 Registration, networking & light snacks
13:00 Welcome
Anette Steenberg, CEO, Medicon Valley Alliance
Associate Professor Henrik Munch Roager and Professor Dennis Nielsen, University of Copenhagen
13:10 The history of EFSA health claims and probiotics
Professor Inge Tetens, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen
13:35 Devices for gut delivery and sampling
Professor Anja Boisen, Department of Health Technology, Technical University of Denmark
14:00 From Concept to Product: The Journey of Next-Generation Probiotics with Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Desulfovibrio piger
Tanweer Khan, Senior Scientist, MetaboGen AB / Biogaia AB/ Wallenberg Laboratory, University of Gothenberg
14:30 Binding Proteins – research-based functional food ingredients
Sandra Wingaard Thrane Co-Founder and CSO, Bactolife
14:50 Coffee break and networking
15:20 Application of omics analysis for microbiome innovations
Eline Klaassens, Product Manager Human Microbiome, BaseClear
15:40 Panel debate: Lessons learned – from academic discoveries to gut microbiome innovations
Moderated by Professor Karsten Kristiansen, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen
16:00 Networking with speakers and participants
16:30 End of meeting
The event is sold out!
The seminar is arranged in a collaboration between Copenhagen Gut Microbiome Hub and Medicon Valley Alliance Microbiome Network with funding contribution from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.